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Aged Parent visa (subclass 804)

This visa (Permanent) allows an aged parent of an Australian settled citizen, Permanent resident of Australia, or New Zealand (eligible) citizen to permanently reside in Australia.

This visa permits you: โ€“

  • To stay in Australia as a permanent resident.
  • To apply for Australian citizenship (if eligible).
  • To sponsor eligible members of your family to lodge in Australia.
  • To enroll in a study course or to do a job in Australia.
  • To register in the public healthcare scheme in Australia.
  • To travel to and from Australia for 5 years (as many times as you wish to) from the date of grant.

Duration of Stay: โ€“

  1. As it is a permanent visa, you can stay for an indefinite time.
  2. Your permanent residence starts on the day of the grant of the visa, for citizenship.

Family: โ€“

  • Family members can also be included in your application, for this, all of their details are required to include in your application form.
  • Details of your partner (if you have) are required to be filled in the application form, whether or not they are applying for the visa with you.
  • Family members coming to Australia must meet health and character requirements.
  • Family members who are not coming to Australia might also need to fulfill health and character requirements.

Cost: โ€“

  • The cost of this visa is AUD 6415, along with extra charges for each member of the family who is applying with you.
  • You will need to pay in 2 installments.
  • Cost of this visa changes with time. It depends on the date of receiving of application. In case of alteration in price, increase between lodge of application, you will need to pay the new application charges.
  • You might need to pay costs for each applicantโ€™s check-up, policy certificates, and biometrics.

Stay during Applying: โ€“

While applying for this visa and during the time of decision on your application, you need to be onshore but not in immigration clearance.

Time for Processing: โ€“

  • Processing time is not provided for this visa.
  • Applications are subject to capping and queuing (that means a limited number of visas will be granted each migration program year) once it reaches this limit, there will be no more granting of visas that year.
  •  Processing time can be long if
  • The application is not filled incorrectly.
  • In case the application does not have all the required documents, or it requires more information.
  • Verification of your information takes time.
  • You need to pay the correct visa application charges to let us process your visa.
  • As the demand for family migration visas is quite high, it might take long years to grant this visa

Evaluation: โ€“

Evaluation of application is done in 2 steps.

The first step is to check the eligibility to add the application and line or to refuse it.

The second step involves the continued testing of the application when the place becomes available and making a decision on it.

Might want to consider another visa: โ€“

Some visas have faster processing times.

  • The Contributory Aged Parent visa (Subclass 864) is faster and a Permanent visa. It has faster processing, but the cost is more.
  • The Contributory Aged Parent visa (Temporary)(Subclass 884).

This visa process is 2 steps and is faster, but it costs more than the Subclass 804 visa and Contributory Aged Parent visa (Temporary) (Subclass 864) visa.

Obligations: โ€“ It is necessary that you and your family abide by all laws of the Australian Government.

Visa Label: โ€“ Your visa will be digitally linked to your passport so you wonโ€™t get a label in your passport.


  1. Age Limit:- To receive the age pension in Australia, you must be old enough.

Age Pension: โ€“


  • To provide support in the form of income, to older Australians in need.
  • To receive an age pension, one must meet the age and requirements of stay, subject to a means test.

Age Requirements:-

The pension age will be slowly enhanced from 65 to 67 years:-

The period between which a person was bornPension ageDate pension age changes
From 1st July 1952 to 31st  December 195365 years and 6 months1st July 2017
From 1st Jan 1954 to 30th June 195566 years1st July 2019
From 1st July 1955 to 31st December 195666 years and 6 months1st July 2021
From 1st Jan 1957 onwards67 years1st July 2023

Requirements of Residence:-

You need to be a resident of Australia (living permanently) and be onshore on the day the claim is lodged and must satisfy at least one of the following.

  • Be a resident of Australia for a minimum of 10 years, with a minimum of 5 of these years in one period; or
  • Have a qualifying residence exemption or
  • Be a woman who is widowed in Australia when both she and her partner (late) were residents of Australia; and who has 104 weeks of residence immediately before the claim.
  • Be receiving widow B pension, widow allowance, or partner allowance immediately before reaching pension age.

Sponsor: โ€“ You need to be sponsored by an eligible sponsor (child above 18 years of age). If your child is under 18, an eligible relative or community organization can also sponsor you.
Role of the Sponsor: โ€“ Being a Sponsor, you must help your family members to help stay or settle in Australia. You need to provide them with financial and moral support along with sufficient space to live (for the first two years).

Health and Character Requirement:โ€“ You must meet the health and character requirements of the Australian Government.

Balance-of-family test: โ€“ You are eligible if

  • You have at least half of your children and step-children who are eligible children of Australia.
  • More eligible children living in Australia.

Assurance of Support: โ€“

  • You need to own an AoS. An Assurance of Support assures the Australian government that you will not have to depend on the help of the Australian government after entering Australia on this visa.
  • This assurance is for other migrating family members too.

Clear Outstanding debts: โ€“ debts to the Australian government if any have to be made clear.

Not be eligible: โ€“

  • In the case of a Previous Cancelled Visa.
  • Visa is not granted if it is not in the friendly interest of an applicant under 18 years of age.

Steps Involved: โ€“

Step 1. Before Applying: โ€“ check.

  1. If you are eligible.
  2. If you have a Parent Sponsor(approved)
  3. In case you do not have a Parent sponsor (approved) you can not apply or be granted this visa.

Step 2.Gather all Evidence: โ€“

  • You need to provide all necessary documents including those of dependents or partners who might be applied with you, for further proceedings.
  • Arrange documents of your sponsor, too.

Step3. Visa Application: โ€“ 

  • This visa needs to be applied on paper.
  • Also, you must be onshore, but not in immigration clearance, when you apply for this visa.

Step 4. After Applying: โ€“

  • You need to send more information
  • Send leftover documents (if any) with your application to the parent visa center in Perth.

Step5. The outcome of Visa: โ€“ You need to be onshore (except in immigration clearance) at the time of decision on your application.

  • During granting of your visa, we will inform you about your visa grant number, the date of start of your visa, and its conditions. 
  • In case of refusal of our visa, we will let you know the reason for the refusal and if you have a right to a review of the decision.
  • The application fee is non-refundable.

On obtaining the visa (In Australia): โ€“

You must

  1. Abide by all Australian laws.
  2. Check your visa expiry and its conditions.
  3. This being a permanent visa lets you stay in Australia indefinitely.
  4. Being a newly arrived residents, you might have to wait to avail of Australian Government payments and benefits.

Traveling: โ€“

You can travel to and from Australia as many times as you want for 5 years from the grant of this visa. In case you want to travel after the initial 5-year travel facility.

  • You will have to apply for and be granted a Resident-Return (RRV) to re-enter Australia as a permanent resident.
  • If you become an Australian citizen then you donโ€™t require a visa to enter Australia and can use it to travel and from Australia.

Before Leaving Australia: โ€“

  • Ensure you have a valid passport or other travel documents to leave Australia.
  • Check your visa validity.

Conditions for Subclass 804 (Aged Parent visa)

There are no conditions attached to Subclass 804 (Aged Parent visa)

How can we assist you?

  • We at e2vs Immigration consultants offer the much-needed help so as to convince the Australian Immigration authorities about your actual intention to stay and work in Australia.
  • We do everything possible to present you as a true candidate and that you will adhere to all rules and commitments during your stay in Australia.
  •  Also, we assure you that your interview round goes well, which is yet another growing step to get this visa in Australia.

****How can we assist you? Please feel free to call our number mentioned on the website.