Course Change Consultant in Australia

Best Course Change Consultant in Melbourne, Australia

Course Change in Melbourne – “Is it possible to change my course in Australia?” This is one of the most asked questions among our students who are currently or have graduated while studying in Australia. We understand the change of mind of our students and how one couldn’t focus on the subject due to the lack of interest. Getting second thoughts and being unable to pursue the course during your University is quite common among the candidates. But, we are here to help you out with your research, so you will land on a suitable course that fits your interest. Go through this guide to understand what programs are being offered and which one works commendable for you. 

What made you withdraw the course?

Before moving forward and abruptly making the course changes, it is highly advisable to look for the problems you were earlier facing and then make the necessary changes. This is because you wouldn’t want to face a similar situation after changing your course. Here are some common issues faced by the students.
  • The course itself
  • University’s environment 
  • Individual module
  • Dealing with academic challenges consistently
  • Family or personal matters
  • Lack of finance
The next step talks about thinking precisely and assessing your areas of expertise and then finally making a course decision.

Who can help you with the withdrawing process in Australia?

This is one of the trickiest parts to process your withdrawal from any course. You should consult with the following people for the best recommendations:
  • A course tutor or head of the department must be the first point of contact. Discuss the problems and solutions. 
You can ask about the following things:
This is one of the trickiest parts to process your withdrawal from any course. You should consult with the following people for the best recommendations:
  • How to adapt to the technicality of the course strengths, career plans, and interests.
  • How to get transferred to another course.
  • What skills do I need to ace the subject?
  • Course suggestions and how they would affect my future after leaving the course and its importance.
  • Don’t hesitate to reach out to your career counselors in your University, who can guide you a lot better.

How to change course in Australia?

Here we will talk about the hurdles international students have to overcome to finalize the course changes.
So, you have decided to change your course, but you cannot complete 6 months of your principal course. The ESOS National Code explains these circumstances briefly. If special conditions exist, you will be granted transference from one institution to another. In this case, the institution will have to consider your request. All of the Australian educational institutes have documented procedures to process your course changes and transfer policy. It is highly advisable to read the rules and regulations of the transfer policy carefully before attempting to enroll yourself in a new institution.
But what if your education provider refuses to allow for a transfer policy? You probably won’t be satisfied upon hearing this outcome. To rest the case, you would need to use your education provider’s internal appeal process. But, if you are still not satisfied, you might have to reach for external bodies such as the Territory Ombudsman or Overseas Students Ombudsman. Upon changing the institution or course of your choice, you should converse with the Department of Home Affairs, Australia, and issue an electronic CoE to them from your new institution.
Finally, if your application gets accepted, ensure checking the student visa requirements. Also, remember that you’re following all the necessary steps for your Australian visitor visa procedure. Keep in mind the information you acknowledge from friends, family, classmates, and education agents is not 100% accurate. To survive a hard time, make sure you have a copy of the cancelation course or enrolment paperwork.
Also, consider visiting the Home of Departments in Australia, as there might be greater chances of changes in your visa. To familiarize yourself with any laws regarding visas and studies, feel free to get in touch with E2VS that are deemed the best education consultants in Melbourne.

How Can We Help You?

  • If you are adequately devoted to studying in AustraliaE2VS has consistently opened the gates for you to watch out for your queries.
  • Not just this, we care for each progression in your life and, above all, the interview stage, so we guarantee you go through a smooth process when you trust us. This is the reason our clients mark us as the best education consultants in Australia.

Are you considering a course change in Australia? E2VS can help you make the right decision for your future. We offer expert advice and guidance on a range of courses, so you can find the perfect fit for your needs. Contact us today to learn more.